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Personal shopping with a local in St Petersburg

Esperienza internazionale : Federazione Russa
Book your shopping trip with a local in St Petersburg with Golden Moments to score some fur, authentic Russian designer fashion, gifts, souvenirs and more.
  • Prezzo 27,66 €
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Personal shopping with a local in St Petersburg
Personal shopping with a local in St Petersburg
Personal shopping with a local in St Petersburg

Personal shopping with a local in St Petersburg:  

Enjoy a personal shopping trip in St Petersburg with a local expert guide as you visit the city's most popular shopping destinations such as the Galleria, Europolis, Mega Mall, Raduga, Grand Canyon and others! Whether you're in search of a fur coat or some authentic Russian designer clothing, you can treat yourself to this stellar shopping experience.

Your private host/driver will pick you up from your hotel in your comfortable private vehicle and will take you to the shopping center of your choice Once you have finished there - you may proceed further: The only limit is your wallet size and your stamina!

These days travelers from all over the world can enjoy the benefits of USD/Rouble exchange rate and score some real bargains. Russians are extremely fashion-conscious and love to dress nicely, so you will surely find something that will catch your eye. Also, Russians probably wear more fur than any other nation in the world and here, you will find the highest quality, the best selection and the latest fashions,

Incluso nel prezzo

  • Private host/driver to take you around
  • Parking fees
  • Hotel pick-up

Orari di aperture


Dimensioni Gruppo / Numero di Partecipanti

  • Tour privato

Lingue disponibili

  • Inglese
  • Italiano
  • Francese
  • Spagnolo
  • Tedesco

Non incluso nel prezzo

  • Gratuities (recommended)
  • Food and drinks

Codice : MTZ10025554

Personal shopping with a local in St Petersburg:

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Personal shopping with a local in St Petersburg: Non sono ancora sicuro

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  • Prezzo 27,66 €
  • Quantità:
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Oasi Benessere - Bergamo Sono stata allo spa a Bergamo il 20 marzo.

Ho trascorso un piacevolissimo pomeriggio in un’atmosfera rilassante e tranquilla con un sottofondo di musica new age altrettanto dolce e rilassante.

Il personale del centro è molto gentile e professionale, persino amichevole. Mi hanno anche fornito molte informazioni e consigli a proposito della naturopatia.

Il massaggio corporeo è stato molto rilassante e rivitalizzante, fatto da mani assolutamente professionali. Sono stata molto seguita e ho ricevuto preziosi consigli.

Raccomando davvero questo Spa, grazie Golden Moments per aver selezionato un personale così professionale.


I went to the spa in Bergamo, but had to postpone to 20th of march .

I had a delightful afternoon, in a relaxing and quiet athmosphere , with soft , relaxing, new age music .

The personnel there is really kind and professional, even friendly, I had from them some suggestions of naturopathy, too .

The body massage I had was top-relaxing and healing, made by professional hands.

And I was also followed and given suggestions

I really recommend the Spa , thanks for having chosen such a professional people Loredana

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